Sunday, June 6, 2010

No Weights? No Problem

I found an interesting article by Nick Tumminello, the founder of Performance University. In it he outlines a few different workout regimes for the lower body. What I really liked was that they didn't require weights and instead forced high repetitions in a short period of time. So these would not only work well to integrate into a fully developed workout plan, but also when you're away from your regular training spot.

Here is a sample of one of his workouts:

Leg Complex #1 - Cosgrove Complex
This first complex I learned from some Scottish guy named Alwyn Cosgrove. This is usually the first complex that I throw at most athletes because it's simple to understand, easy to memorize, and involves only one movement — the squat.
Perform the following exercises back to back:
20 seconds of Squats (as fast as possible). Try to get 20 reps.
20 seconds of Squat Jumps (land as quickly as possible). Try to get 10-12 reps.
20 seconds of Isometric Squat Holds (pause at the bottom).

This workout can be done in a very short time with no weights and he claims it'll give you a very intense burn!  Since I'm big on doing full body workouts I'm going to incorporate this into a full body routine as follows:

Series 1

Pullups x 20
Incline pushups + 100 lbs x 6
Glute Bridge + 100 lbs x 20

Rest 2 minutes repeat twice more.

Series 2

Leg Complex 1

20 seconds of Squats (as fast as possible). Try to get 27 reps. (100 lbs on the first, the rest no weight)
20 seconds of Reverse Lunge. Try to get 10-12 reps each leg.
20 seconds of Bulgarian Squats (pause at the bottom) 10 reps each leg.

Rest 2 min. Repeat twice more.

Series 3

Curls 100 lbs negative x 6 reps
Triangle Pushups x 15
Bodysaw x 6

Once over.

If you wanted to make it a complete body weight exercise take out the curls and exchange pullups for chinups and change pushups for dips or simply do more reps of pushups. Last, do single leg glute bridges if a bodyweight glute bridge is too easy.

This should be doable in any hotel room, park or basement so it's really great if you're on the road or just looking to change things up a bit.


The leg workout is an absolute killer! I did use weights for my first set of double leg squats but didn't need to the second and third time. Also, the bonesaw is one of the best ab exercises I've ever done.  Let me know how this works out for you guys in the comments.


Get out the chalk, this workout gone'nd killed me.


  1. Cool buddy. I'm on a 4-week program right now, but was looking for something to try after I'm done. I'll give it a shot and let you know.

    On a side note, Tash is looking to stay in shape during her pregnancy. She asked me to make a workout for her and I came up with something. She may get bored of it after a while, so are you interested in coming up with something else for her? Could make for an interesting blog post too. It's a challenge, because she can't over exert herself and is limited in what positions she can get into for workouts. She'd probably be going into her third trimester when she might be looking for something new.

  2. Yeah get her to email me what restrictions she has and I'll concoct something. Sounds like a neat challenge for me!
