
Weird Foods


When you think of a fruit, do you ever think of it being fatty? Probably not(If you do, just pretend like you don't). Well oddly enough, avocados are a very fatty fruit. Just one avocado contains about 300 - 350 calories. The vast majority of those calories are actually from fat! No worries though, this is a good thing.

You see, there are all kinds of fats, some  are good some are bad. The ones found in plants, fish and nuts are typically the good kind and the ones in animals and junk food are the bad kind.For more details click here. There are all kinds of reasons why some are great for eating and some aren't. Most important is the absorption of vitamins, but the bad fats will also raise your bad cholesterol, where good fats will raise your good cholesterol. So much good and bad! Who's writing this junk?

So long and short of it all, Avocados are a great food to scarf down if you're trying to load up on extra energy. I like to have them as snacks or mix them with a mango for desert. They help give me the extra bit of energy in a day for my workouts without adding a lot of salt or transfats (the bad kind!).


The green mean anti-calorie machine. Anti... calorie? YUP! Celery actually requires more energy to chew and digest than it contains. In other words, the more celery you eat the more weight you lose! SAWEET! there is a little catch though, that's celery on it's own. It can not have any dressings what so ever. Just celery. So if you like snacking but don't like to put on chub, try plain celery.